Silence, Sounds and Spaces
Featuring unique on-site recordings at prehistoric sites, and music from the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum audio guide.
Audio CD
Available for purchase from Bandcamp and Heritage Malta museums and sites: Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, Paola Hagar Qim Temples, Qrendi Tarxien Temples, Tarxien St Paul's Catacombs, Rabat Ggantija Temples, Xaghra (Gozo) Digital Download
Album and individual tracks available for streaming and download from Bandcamp and all major digital sites including iTunes, Apple Music and Spotify. |
Silence, Sounds and Spaces is a contemporary concept project inspired by the prehistoric sites spread across the Maltese Islands. What began as a commission by Heritage Malta (the national agency for museums, conservation practice and cultural heritage) to score music to the visitors' audio guide of the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), developed into the release of a music album, and the presentation of a series of live solo percussion concerts in Malta, the United Kingdom and mainland Europe.
In Renzo's words: "All the sounds heard during the introductory sequence and throughout the Hypogeum audio guide have been recorded during a three-week period working and experimenting inside the Hypogeum. I had the opportunity to spend quite a few solitary nights enthralled by the mysteries that shroud this magnificent site. The unique space, the particular environment, the known and the unknown, chambers that vibrate and resonate so splendidly- these were all factors that have inspired me to put together this contemporary score. I have played the barest of ‘instrumentation’ using materials such as stone, clay, wood and voice in keeping with the particular soundscape that I wanted to create for the Hypogeum."
Created, produced and performed by Renzo, Silence, Sounds and Spaces audio CD is best described as art music with rich, engaging and deeply expressive soundscapes, and a skilful blend of unique on-site recordings at the various neolithic sites (including Ghar Dalam, Ggantija temples, Hagar Qim temples and the Hypogeum), an extraordinary world of sounds and the use of non-conventional instruments to evoke powerful visuals of Malta’s stunning archaeological sites. The result is a “chilling, mysterious, and forward-thinking musical journey” that draws listeners in to Renzo’s personal musical universe.
In Renzo's words: "All the sounds heard during the introductory sequence and throughout the Hypogeum audio guide have been recorded during a three-week period working and experimenting inside the Hypogeum. I had the opportunity to spend quite a few solitary nights enthralled by the mysteries that shroud this magnificent site. The unique space, the particular environment, the known and the unknown, chambers that vibrate and resonate so splendidly- these were all factors that have inspired me to put together this contemporary score. I have played the barest of ‘instrumentation’ using materials such as stone, clay, wood and voice in keeping with the particular soundscape that I wanted to create for the Hypogeum."
Created, produced and performed by Renzo, Silence, Sounds and Spaces audio CD is best described as art music with rich, engaging and deeply expressive soundscapes, and a skilful blend of unique on-site recordings at the various neolithic sites (including Ghar Dalam, Ggantija temples, Hagar Qim temples and the Hypogeum), an extraordinary world of sounds and the use of non-conventional instruments to evoke powerful visuals of Malta’s stunning archaeological sites. The result is a “chilling, mysterious, and forward-thinking musical journey” that draws listeners in to Renzo’s personal musical universe.
Silence Sounds and Spaces
Featuring unique on-site recordings at prehistoric sites, and music from the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum audio guide.
Featuring unique on-site recordings at prehistoric sites, and music from the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum audio guide.
Audio CD
Available for purchase from Bandcamp and Heritage Malta museums and sites: Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, Paola Hagar Qim Temples, Qrendi Tarxien Temples, Tarxien St Paul's Catacombs, Rabat Ggantija Temples, Xaghra (Gozo) |
Digital Download
Album and individual tracks available for streaming and download from Bandcamp and all major digital sites including iTunes, Apple Music and Spotify. |
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ContactAll content copyright © 2004-2024, Renzo Spiteri.